Social Committee has many community building activities and fun events they plan for us!
Well, we have so much to do in Walsh! Social committee plans both formal events (like dances, athletics, movie premieres, broomball tournaments and field trips) and also informal events (impromptu movie nights, going as a group to a theater performance, ordering pizza and doing a craft because we're stressed). A few more details: Walsh has a storied history of victory on the field or court in our athletics. Both in interhall (intermurals) sports, Co-Rec (co-ed) sports and intrahall "sports" (Quidditch and Broomball), and even Club Sports--Walsh girls have so much fun and let our competitive spirit run WILD! All are welcome, no experience necessary.
Walsh Hall loves to stay Running WILD. Walsh Hall, despite our small size, has proven to be mighty. Walsh is competitive and has favorite sports such as intramural flag football where we got 2nd place in 2012 and went to the Notre Dame Football Stadium. Walsh also showed up McGlynn and out Rocked the Shamrock with our Wild Lax Skill winning by over 6 points in the Championship in 2014.
Walsh Bowling!
Walsh's Sports:
Flag Football
Cross Country
Sand Volleyball (Fall & Spring)
Quiz Bowl
Singles/Team Racquetball
Table Tennis
Team Tennis
Walsh Flag Football
Brother-Sister Dorm!
But what is a brother dorm? At Notre Dame, each women's dorm is paired with a men's dorm. The two dorms support each other at events throughout the year, helping with preparation and attendance. Some dorms have a consistent brother-sister dorm partner, while others rotate each year. Walsh has been paired with many different dorms on campus.
For three consecutive years (2013, 2014, 2015), Walsh Hall won Brother-Sister Hall of the Year! We put on awesome events like the Brother-Sister Tailgate and the Brother-Sister Broomball Tournament to help people get to know each other and to have a lot of fun!
New in recent years is our Sister Dorm, we we empower each other and build each other up through wellness events and fun socials like "Galentine's Day!"
Sister Week Zumba with Cav
Joining St. Eds at the Reflecting pool for some Game Day Spirit!