Room Picks 2024
Below is an overview
- Every April, Walshies gather in their hall to choose their rooms/roommates for the upcoming school year.
- Please visit this housing webpage for additional information.
- Walsh has a ONE NIGHT Room Pick, we do NOT do Mock Picks over several days, like some other halls.
- The order in which people choose their room is based on class and lottery numbers generated by Office of Residential Life. For example, all the rising seniors will choose before rising juniors, but all rising seniors are sorted by lottery number.
- Walsh has at least one of every type of room:
Single, reg. double, deluxe double, super double, triple, quads, quints, & sixsuite
(First years will only take doubles and maybe one triple; all other types of rooms are taken by upperclass students) - Students transferring to Walsh from another hall have been granted permission to enter Walsh for the Open House on Tuesday April 6th and for the Room Pick Night on April 12th.
- TIMELINE for Room Picks 2024: Underway on April 10!
- INTENT SHEET: Opens on TBD with updated floor plans and rooms available.
- The Walsh Intent Sheet is a google spreadsheet that helps everyone to communicate with the rest of the hall what room they are hoping for/intending to choose. Students are able to select what type of room they are interested in on the intent sheet and then on the room pick day, they physically choose the EXACT room in person.
- We've added columns to gather information about whether or not you need to choose your rooms in person or over zoom, and we've added some links and tabs to the spreadsheet.
--In the tabs, you can view the full list of study abroad people, and the full list of current resident, to be able to ask questions about the room if desired. - Find your lottery number next to your name; start making plans based on your number. Click here for overview.
- When ready (and by your class's deadline), put a checkmark in the box of your room type preference and fill out the rest of the information in your row.
--Rising Seniors need to choose by TBD, rising juniors choose by TBD, rising sophomores choose by TBD - IF YOU ARE COMING TO WALSH FROM ANOTHER HALL: you will be placed at the bottom of the Walsh lottery, but will be "pulled up" to your intended (Walsh) roommate's lottery number to choose the rooms available.
- If you are NOT in a single, then person with best lottery number (who has "pulled up" their roommates) marks the preference for duo/group in the sheet
-- Lower roommate(s) initial next to their name, but do not write in the room. - DO NOT MARK ROOMS ON THE INTENT SHEET TWICE!
- We will set up a live updating floor plan so you can watch results in real time, even if you are abroad.
- Please come down to SoLo at your class's time:
Rising Seniors (TBD), Rising Juniors (TBD), Rising Sophomores (TBD). - During that time slot, one RA will call up people in lottery number order to go to the Study Room, (in private with their roommates) where they will choose their exact rooms with the Rector. (We do this to give people privacy and agency to choose their rooms).
--The person with the highest pick of a duo/group brings their whole group to choose.
(Not all roommates of one group need to be there, as long as all have initialed the room, giving consent to their other roommates to choose the room in person.)
--Everyone gets a tiny sticker in SoLo, writes their name on it, and sticks it to the laminated floorplan on the room they choose. NO take backs. "Once you stick, you've made your pick!"
--Another RA will be in SoLo updating the live floor plan in real time with what rooms people have chosen
- There will not be “halved” or “broken” rooms—each available room will be filled to capacity with the appropriate number of residents. That’s why it’s important to talk to people in advance.
- We will set up a live updating floor plan so you can watch results in real time, even if you are abroad.
If you can't be at Room Pick night:
- We recognize that some students will need to be at work or class or some other important event that conflicts with this time. So, it is your responsibility to choose a person to act as your "proxy", and write that in the Intent Sheet as your written permission for that person to choose your room.
- As your lottery number is called, they will come to choose the room in your place.
- It is your responsibility to communicate to your proxy a number of options, in order that you prefer them.
To bring with you to Room Pick Night:
- A few possible housing options, an open mind, and your roommates (if applicable).
Communication is key!
- It’s important that you have healthy communication with people when thinking about roommate configurations.
- It's more helpful to be flexible, to have a number of plans, to not take things personally, and to be kind. Charity and Clarity need to be top priorities. Communicate clearly with kindness.
- Communication is KEY and necessary-part of the COMMUNITY aspect of the three pillars of Walsh.
- Use EFFECTIVE ways: (face to face, with a plan, generosity, clear goal, undivided attention)
- Avoid non face-to-face methods: (texting, facebook, snapchat, carrier pigeon)
- What kinds of things should we talk about?
- Life Rhythm preference, volume, goals, vision at end of the year, what else?
- What is important to remember?
- Do not ASSUME ANYTHING—can’t read minds, don’t wait until the last second, self-awareness, not taking things personally, being clear but charitable, owning what you need…what else?
- Can talk to RA/AR or Rector to prep for these conversations that need to happen.